Should I write a technical blog
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As you do not know, I'm french. So, it's a really bad start for being fluent in English. I also try to improve myself everyday and I practice everything I'm interested in. Maybe starting to write in English is not a so terrible idea for me and neither for you (because it's a technical blog).
Do not be shy and fix my mistakes. Feedback is always welcomed.
There is no mistake in this world… just opportunities to learn and share.
I am solution and plateforme architect living in Paris. I'm also passionated in programing language like Javascript (which include backend development with nodeJS), Java, PHP, Go, Python… (in order of proficiency) and I'm working hard to put Go in the second place…
I spend my last 6 years in entrepreneurship as a CTO and, right now, I'm experiencing intrapreneurship in a digital factory. To be honest, I'm pretty happy.
I've time, crazy colleagues and budget to make things better.
For me, it's important to think and share ideas. That why I will present on my researches and discoveries. Because I'm still a developer, I like markdown,revealjs and mdx-deck for sharing and I make my presentations available on Github (new story, new Github account ^^).
For concluding, I'm also a doer experiencing everyday and I use everything I'm talk about. We really don't know a system before we use it.